Monday, July 22, 2013

Bang Bang

When I was a pre-teen one of the most important things ever to happen to me was choosing my own haircut. Not that I couldn’t have done it before, but the fact is being a kid meant that fashion and hairstyles weren’t among my subjects of interest. I was much more concerned about dancing (maybe this ability was all spent back then, leaving me with no skills whatsoever in the mistery of gracefully moving at the beat of music), reading fairy tales and playing with friends.
What put a definite end to my childhood, as I now view it, was the fact that I didn’t have bangs anymore. That and the longer hair. Following the trend, I went to the salon hoping to get this:
Looking at it now it's hard to believe such a thing was ever on trend and the desire of many of the pre-teens back then. Nonetheless, it represented a more adult face and style to me.
(Now, I feel compelled to clarify though that this wasn't what I got. The kind of locks I wanted had its tips much more curved towards the inside and my knowledge in styling was even poorer than it is now. That is to say, it failed to occur to me that no hairstyle on TV, movies or any publicity photo in the whole world is completely natural and that there's a parafernalia ranging from heating tools to special oils, waxes and sprays, not to mention celebrity hairstylists, always working to ensure those effects we all wish for.)
Having gone through adolescence, I soon came back to bangs. I decided it suited me better, event though I have changed my hairstyle quite a few times since then.
Recently, I've been seeing some really short bangs with a particular interest. It never occurred to me to have those, but suddenly I was in absolute love with all that and couldn't wait any longer.
I now walk around exhibiting my all time shortest bangs.

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